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Privacy Policy for TransMate.io

Last Updated: February 2024

Thank you for choosing TransMate.io for your localization projects and entrusting us with your personal information. TransMate.io, operated by TransMate, Inc. (“TransMate.io”, “we”, or “us”), values your privacy and is committed to safeguarding your personal information.

Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and share Personal Data (as defined below) when you use our website and services. It also explains your rights and choices regarding your information and how to contact us with any questions or concerns about our privacy practices.

Please note that any capitalized terms used herein have the meanings assigned to them in our Terms of Service or any applicable Master Service Agreement (MSA) entered into between us and you.

Summary: At TransMate.io, we collect and process information with your consent or on another legal basis. We only gather the minimum amount of personal data necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us. We do not sell your information to third parties, and we only use it as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you’re accessing our services from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or the United Kingdom (UK), please be aware that we comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant local data protection laws.

Residents of California, USA, may have specific rights under the California Online Privacy Protection Act, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, and other applicable privacy and data protection laws.

Regardless of your location or citizenship, we uphold a high standard of privacy protection for all our users worldwide.

For more details, please read the full privacy policy below.

1. What Information Do We Collect?

A. Personal Data Subjects:

  • Visitors to our website who have not yet signed up for our services.
  • Customers, as defined in our Terms of Service or MSA.
  • Authorized Users, individuals registered or permitted by our Customers to access a Team’s Workspace or use our services.

B. Types of Information:

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Information that can identify or contact you.
  • Aggregated Information: Anonymous data or data with identifiable information removed.

C. Personal Data:

Personal Data includes any information that can potentially identify or locate a user uniquely. This information is necessary for interacting with you and providing our services tailored to your needs. You provide Personal Data when signing up on our platform, paying for services, or visiting our website.

For example, when you visit our website, our systems automatically maintain web logs containing technical data about visitors. This may include IP addresses, operating system types, device types, timestamps, activity logs, referring websites, and frequently accessed pages.

Personal Data collected by us is protected under applicable data protection laws, such as the GDPR.

D. Aggregated Information:

Aggregated Information is non-personally identifiable or anonymous data about users. It is used collectively, and no single person can be identified by the compiled information. We may de-identify or anonymize Personal Data to create aggregate de-identified data, which may be shared with third parties to understand usage patterns and improve our services.

2. How Do We Collect Your Personal Data?

A. Contact Information:

[Please note that this is a shortened version of the privacy policy. The full policy includes additional sections covering data security, retention, international transfers, and user rights.]

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes in our services, relevant laws, or for other reasonable grounds. Any revisions to this Policy will be indicated by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top.

In the event of material changes to this statement or in how TransMate.io handles your Personal Data, we will notify you either through prominent notice on our website prior to implementing the change or by directly sending you an email notification. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how TransMate.io safeguards your information.

How to contact us

If you have concerns regarding how TransMate.io is managing your Personal Data, please reach out to us promptly. We are here to assist you.

You can contact us by sending an email to: privacy@transmate.io with the subject line “Privacy Concerns”. We will respond promptly, within 30 calendar days at the latest.